Saturday, April 10, 2010

Im looking For a New Author

Ok, I am going to go ahead and get this started. There are many who want to be a author so instead of having just one I will be picking two :).
I am SO SORRY it has took me long but thins come up D=
Lets begin.
This is what I would like you all to do. You must be a non agent and you must do the following either comment it or email me which ever you chose. =D
1. You must pledge to me that you will not be upset if you lose this contest.
2. I would like 2 paragraph on why you want to be a author and how it would benefit Payton1 Blog and Friends
3. A list of the blogs you blog on.
4. Your chobots name and age x]
5. A poem about chobots
Okay, this may seem like alot but its not that much! If you do all these things it shows your willing to be a author.
Some tips, please do your best when entering and have fun with it! I would like all entrys as soon as possible so new authors can start right away. Thank you!
(commenting can help improve your chances of winning)

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